Tuesday, February 26, 2008


We are officially in Singapore.

I don't think it has hit any one of us yet, but its hot, there's a distinctive smell and I've already visited Far East Plaza. It's only the second day.

The flight was great, getting to the air port was a bit stressful. The taxi was half an hour late, and we didn't check in until a hour and a half before the flight. Nanna and Aunty Suzanne was there to see us go. I was the first to cry. Followed by Aunty Suzanne. We waited in the Singapore airlines business lounge and we were the last to board. We took off at 1:10 am and arrived in Singapore around 5 am sing time.

Dad was really nervous taking us to the house, but we loved it. We didn't however love walking up four flights of stairs to the wrong room with our luggage, TWICE. But we eventually found the right apartment. I fell in love with the size of my room and have already planned out how we are going to set out the apartment. Chris immediately found the foot path to the pool and i think dad was relieved we liked our new home. I must admit the teddy bear handles in the kitchen are a bit unusual, but i guess it is Asia.

We were full of emotions to go to sleep so Dad took us to his new office. He has a great view with a pretty nifty desk. It's located in Tanjong paga near china town. After a chocolate waffle from the hawker center Chris had his interview with The Australian National School.

The interview was an experience in its self. There was a man guarding the gate and two young gentlemen with rifle guns in front of the school office.

" Every thing at first was so intimidating, the guards, all the staff and students. When i stepped into the office to take the interview i was terrified. I didn't show it but i was. When i met the person that was going to interview me he seemed really nice, i thought every thing was going to be ok until the questions came, i was so nervous. My face started to go red and words weren't coming out the way i was thinking them. He asked me tricky question. It felt like a job interview. lucky Aunty Suzanne wrote me up a sheet with questions they might ask. i didn't believe at first that they would be the questions but every single one of them and more were asked. The school is giving me a chance to improve my grades but they are keeping a close eye on me they said. Spooky. Tomorrow is the big day"

I was even nervous myself.

Ace arrived Yesterday. I could here her crying as they walked up the stars. I wish i could have seen her on the plane. She flew with Jet Pets Animal transport, www.jetpets.com.au. They were pricey, but for $2000 they were great and you cant put a price on my Ace.

Chris starts school tomorrow, Dad is already at work and i plan on shopping.


sunshine said...

hey sar - im glad you are keeping a blog. I feel like i am partly there reading it :P Well everything sounds new and so exciting and i can't wait to visit you. I bet Nana and A.Suzanne miss you already! Anyway good luck to Chris tommorrow - sounds scary ;) im sure he will be alright. missing you all, sunshine xo

sarahjane said...

thanks sunshine! we cant wait till you come.

Leigh Blackall said...

Wow! Great post! I too felt like I was there. I'm still nervous after Chris' interview! Keep it up. More photos...

Auntie Suze said...

Hi gorgeous

This is fantastic, you sound as though you are good, which is great. I'm glad the question sheet I prepared for Chris helped, it seems I'm not as anal as he thought. Nana says hi, and next week her lessons on how to access your diary start. Take care beautiful, love to you all and email me your new address and phone numbers pleas.

Auntie Suze said...

Hey Sarah I forgot to say, you write really well, this might be a second career opportunity, its just like I'm talking to you.

Love A. Suze./

Unknown said...

Hey Harah!I've had read what you wrote, it's pretty good. I'm glad to hear you both sound happy and exited. I am missing you and Chris so much. All I can say is as long as you are safe there and happy I'm happy for you too. Take care! I love you Sarah xxxooo love from mum